Thu 13 Mar
🟩new open⬛️🟩▆█🟥Prince Therapy🟥█▆Sexy K-Girls▆█🟩️hot body ☎️(703)732-3303☎️🟩▆█🟥️🟩▆█🟥️🟩▆█🟥
(6801 Backlick Rd, Springfield, VA)
Fri 31 Jan
Mon 27 Jan
NEWߒ˰ߒˢ"❤•° SEXY°•❤•° _ PETITE _ °•❤•° _ FREAK _ °•❤•° _ BOMBSHELL❤Looks BETTER N Person! - 22
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge / Potomac Mills ❤️)
😍👌😍☺️ The Best Point Blank Period 👌😍👌☺️ - 23
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge, Dumfries, Potomac Mills)
Last Day In Town ▄ ❤❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ Freaky Friday❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ Come Play ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ Dont Miss Out - 21
(Northern Virginia, herndon sterling dulles airport incall)
Sweet ●○● Naughty ●○● Housewife ●○● Explore ●○● My ●○● Kinky ●○● Wild ●○● Side - 23
(Northern Virginia, ............. Springfield «near» Mall)
‼️!!💋🍭🍬‼️ SWeeT.. & Thick in all the rite PLaces 👑 Dutchess 👑 💋🍭‼️ 305-213-1630 - 21
(Alexandria DC Arlington in & out, Northern Virginia)
*¨¨*-:¦: SWEET *-:¦:-* SEXY * -:¦:- ALL NATURAL *-:¦:-* TRUE PLEASER ******** - 19
(Northern Virginia, UpScale Dulles airport AREA (herndon))
Party girl MILF. Who wants to party with me. - 39
(Herndon, Sterling Alexandria Arlington, Northern Virginia)
女 ♀ ௵ NEW GIRLS ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ UPSCALE ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ YOUNG ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ ASIAN ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ GIRLS ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ ௵ ♀ 女 - - 20
(Northern Virginia, ██████████ ◆571-289-3373——OUTCALLS██████)
(* NEW ** LATINA *) $ 8O ..masajista Servicio Completo, - - 24
(Northern Virginia, fairfax. fair oaks)
❌⭕️❌⭕️ NEW GIRL; sensual sexy blonde 214 907 2695 - 23
(Northern Virginia, Tysons corner upscale Incall)
🎗N✨A✨U✨G✨T✨Y ✌️️👸SKILLED🏆🎗🎯 💃REAL❤️ - 25
(Northern Virginia, OUTCALL🚗DC Arlington Alex. Woodbridge,md)
★★ ◚◙◛◙◚ ★ASIAN★ ◚◙◛◙◚ ★ New Giil★ ◚◙◛◙◚ ★ Sexy fun★◚◙◛◙◚ ★ ★ - 22
(Northern Virginia, Herndon Roeston Sterling Dullse)
*ThIcK SpAnIsH BuStY MaMi * 60 S P E C I A L S = ShOw Me A GoOd TiMe ... ViSiTiNg FrOm NY - 22
(Northern Virginia, WOODBRIDGE INCALLS)
Tender affectionate ASIAN GIRL, Yuki。 in TOWN - 571-352-9961 - 25
(Fairfax near Fair Oaks Mall, Northern Virginia)
::-::** T_i_G _h_T___Y _U_n _G___w _E_t___K_i _T_ t _Y___ k_A_tt **::-:: - 19
(Downtown Washington DC)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m - 21
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, everywhere)
SWEET PETITE ASIAN GIRL (((🔥 this is my last day call me now🔥 ))) 💯💯 $$ 100 $$ special 💯💯 - 18
(Northern Virginia, dulles/herndon 🌟🌟 $100$ SPECIAL 🌟🌟)
**••** Stunning Skillz *•*•* PeTiTe MeXiCaN BeAuTy JaNeT **•** BACK IN TOWN *• (((( *AVAILABLE ))))* - 24
(Northern Virginia, FAIRFAX INCALL)
Sexy Petite Little Spontaneous Blonde ! (100% Real) Better Than The Rest ! (Caucasian Hottie !) - 23
(Northern Virginia, Fairfax)
%%%**🔥~Sizzling HOTT~🔥Leaving Today --💋-- Well*Reviewed☑My Business is Your PLEASURE 😈 **%%% - 24
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Corner, Alexandria, Arlington)
★ ::SEXY:: ★ ::HOTT:: ★ :PLEASER:: ★ ::(BEST IN TOWN) - 27
🌻🌻Slim tummy 🌼🌼🍯Sweet as Honey🍯💋💋 100% R E A L - 24
(Northern Virginia, Tysons Corner in / Outcalls 💕)
♥____ S U P E R _____ **♥** _____ H O T T ____♥ - 22
(Upscale ( Herndon)/Chantilly__ Incall)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT = -:¦:- BRUNETTE KNOCKOUT =**-:¦:-** SEXY **-:¦:-GrEAT ReviEwS - 20
♥♥ (( S)) ((=E=)) (( X)) ((=Y=)) ♥ ♥ - 22
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge Dumfries Incall)
Put your hands all over me! National Harbor Jan 22-26 - 50
(District Of Columbia, Northern Virginia, The National Harbor)
💝♛❤❤❤🎯 PIC or Free ♚❤ ❤ ❤ ★ ❤ ❤ ❤Super Sexy & Hot ❀ Young ❤ l💝♛❤❤❤※Exotic ➤Asian ! 💋♛❤❤❤︎❖❤❤❤★❤❤♚❤ - 21
(Northern Virginia, SPRINGFIELD ---- By the mall)
💓💟💓 Pretty GIRL NEXT DOOR 💓💟💓 🇷🇺 🈹 Dominican/Filipino 🈹 🇷🇺💓💟💓 100%Real w/ AMAZING CURVES 💓💟💓 VISITING‼️ - 23
(Northern Virginia, 🌟⭐️Herndon/Incalls/24-7🌟⭐️)
OUTCALLS / INCALLS 💥💗💥 GORGEOUS • BUSTy • BRUNETTE 💥💗💥 100% REAL • 100% Open Minded 💥💗💥 LAST NiGHT HERE 💥💗💥 - 20
(Northern Virginia, Alexandria💜 ( LAST DAY HERE ))
NINA cali cuban 6footah leaven SPRINGFIELD @5am wont b bk until next yr - 22
(Northern Virginia, Springfield (24hrs incalls))
► NEW ★ ☆ :NEW 540-446-3751 ★ available now , outcalls - 21
(Northern Virginia, arlington / NOVA outcalls)
★ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ❶ New Young Asian ❶ All Natural&Very; Sensitive ❶❶❶❶❶❶ Nude Nuru ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ★ 347-6549278 - 21
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge/Lorton/Dumfries, Incall Only)
💞💞💞 NEW🌹 NEW🌹 NEW🌹 💞💞💞 Asian Beautiful Korean Donna 💞💞💞 Outcall Only 202-787-3921 💞💞💞 - 23
(Northern Virginia, Outcall Only)
******NEW IN TOWN Slim Sexy and Southern Miss Kourtney Kline! New Spa Specials!**** - 21
(oakton va)
---- CHECK THIS OUT ~~~~~> 150 HR ----- YES! ----- limited bookings avail ---- 10AM - 1AM - 40
💎▬▬◆ BOUNCY!! 💎 ▬◆ 38DD CURVY BRICKHOUSE ◆▬ 💎 BOOTYful VaNilla VIXEN ◆ ▬▬ 💎 - 30
(Northern Virginia, SPRINGFIELD MALLȯ AL WEEK 9AM-1AM)
💋 BusTy BLoNDiE 😍 PeRfeCt CurVes, JuiCyy BooTy🍑💦 100% ReaL, CoMe pLay😈 - 23
(Northern Virginia, Tysons corner, Mc lean, Vienna)
* * * * *- - - - - - - - - Because One Naughty Co-Ed Is Never Enough - - - - - - - - - - - * * * * * - 19
(Northern Virginia, Arlington or Your Home or Hotel)
BELLASLATINAS - Amelia in Dulles Reference Required TEXT ONLY- Special today - 24
(Northern Virginia, Dulles VA)
+++ Attractive Older Asian +++ Good Service +++ Non-rush +++ 703-209-8437 +++ Chantilly area +++ - 41
(Chantilly, Northern Virginia)
▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ B!G B∅∅TY ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ 38DD ▃▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▃ VANI!LLA ▃▆▓▓ ❤▓▓▆▃ V!XEN ▃▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▃ - 30
(Northern Virginia, SPRINGFIELD VA ★ INCALL ★ UP LATE)
**ATTENTION SPECIAL RATE OFFER this WEEK!** Sexy/Beautiful Asian, HOT Tanned CuRvy Body! CALL NOW! - 28
(Northern Virginia, Fair Fax, Virginia)
✤ ASIAN . GIRL . COME . TO . U ✤ - 21
(Northern Virginia, ** Asian Girl Out Call **)
ATTeNTioN! 2 DaYS LeFT! 80/HH SPeCiaL!! DoNT MiSS OuT On THiS FReaKY GirL... - 24
(Southern Maryland, Suitland Camp Springs Clinton 248751)
☆ NEW TO DMV . .·´¯☆ RARE & EXQUISITE BEAUTY ·. .·´¯☆ PERFECT 34D~24~34 BODY ☆ - 21
(Northern Virginia, Discreet Tysons Corner Incalls)
♡A Rare Breed♡🍫The Sweetest Candy🍓🍭In The Shop🍫KARMA MOANS🍬☆Sexy West Indian Vixen☆Outcall 2 gi - 21
(Northern Virginia, Outcall too you 2 girl specials)
60$Puerto Rican Beauty** call don't miss out on the special! 60$ I promise I won't bite - 21
(Northern Virginia, Woodbridge)
💘💥💮💞💫 1st Day Young Sexy Asian 💨 Recent Photos 💨 Real Nuru 💨 Love Be Naked 💥💮💫347-8276515 - 21
(Northern Virginia, Sterling/Herndon/Reston/Dulles/Chantilly)
(¯`'+ 100% + '´¯)(¯`'+ REAl + '´¯)(¯`'+ NO + '´¯)(¯`'+ qAMES + '´¯)(¯`'+ NO + '´¯)(¯`'+ RUSh+ '´¯) - 22
(Fairfax//Fair Oaks Mall Area!)
15 hours left to (.)(.) Come play (.)(.) with a (.)(.) chocolate cutie (.)(.) with the big booty - 28
(Northern Virginia, SPRINGFIELD, VA (IN CALLS ONLY))
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
▃▆▓▓ Exotic ██★██★██ PLAYMATE ██★██★██ CaLL NoW!★ ██ ★★SUPERHOTT★★ ██ BOMBsheLL! ▓▓ - 22
(Northern Virginia, Tysons)